29 July 2012

Last week's highlights.....

hazy - hot - humid 

and did I mention hot?

It was so hot...

 I was tempted to jump ship from the Ikea

curb and head to cooler climes

reflections of reflections of reflections

Advice to son moving into new apartment:

don’t meet your new neighbors this way


this way

Rats you say?

Oh, shiver me timbers!

As the sun sets on July…

headed home


it's just embroidery, have fun with it!

26 July 2012

derailed and detoured…..

I have misplaced the month of July

Getting back on track and shifting into high gear

with a peek at a wedding gift set in progress...

it's just embroidery, have fun with it!

19 July 2012

Mileage Milestone…..

expected balloons to fall from the rooftop...

confetti to pop from the vents...

a golden ticket exclaiming 'you win
a new car' to eject from the cd player...

zero,  zip,  zilch

the milestone passed quietly

not even a yay

*update...just added another 1400 miles

Are we there yet?

it's just embroidery, have fun with it!

15 July 2012


chocolate milk needed...

and some cookies


just what dr S ordered

it's just embroidery, have fun with it!

12 July 2012

pardon the interruption…..

while The Hound and I rearrange our activities

back in a bit...

it's just embroidery, have fun with it!

04 July 2012


Leaving the lights sparklers on

back in a bit…..

it's just embroidery, have fun with it!

01 July 2012

Sciuridae aka Squirrel.....

“Sometimes you feel like a nut…

Sometimes you don’t.”

it's just embroidery, have fun with it!