19 November 2010

random act of culture

One week from today, Thanksgiving will be behind us.
The holiday season will be in full swing.
And it will be the annual Black Friday.

Do you embrace the day and head out, list in hand, before dawn?
Or, like me, avoid shopping at all cost (pun intended!) on Black Friday?
I prefer to enjoy leftover pumpkin pie a healthy breakfast while
watching the frenzy on the morning news.

BUT...if I was leaked info that a Random Act of Culture was about to happen,
I might seriously reconsider.

What's a Random Act of Culture, you ask??
Watch this one that occurred earlier this month at the Macy's in Philadelphia.
A flash mob of 650 vocalists took shoppers by surprise.

Pass the whipped cream whole wheat toast please...
ps...I love to be outside the box, but would like to know how to make that youtube
video smaller to be inside the lines for a change.  Any suggestions??


Alexis said...

Stay outside the box! I have that same problem but love the video :)

Privet and Holly said...

1. I LOVE this video,
too, and have been sending
it around to my friends
and family!!
2. Hate crowds and
shopping on Black Friday.
I'll be home : ) !!
3. I'm hopeless with
this big and small stuff
on my blog. Sorry I
can't help...
4. Happy Weekend!

xx Suzanne

Unknown said...

I think flash mobs are one of the greatest creations in recent history. SO MUCH FUN! Joy unleashed!!!
Thanks for sharing this one - I had not seen it!
xo Elizabeth