a freestanding structure designed to restrict,
or prevent movement across a boundary
(still have a scar from getting hung up on this fencing)
and it’s come a long way from the farm fencing
pale-steel-gray-almost-invisible first barrier...
and an orange second barrier...
plus decorative blue barrier
Independence Hall Philadelphia
bright, bright colors to get your attention...
or in the case of the Hound—an Invisible Fence...
E is feeling a bit fenced in...

it's just embroidery, have fun with it!
Cathy, sorry I've been out of touch lately. I so enjoy my visits to your creative place here. I've spent some time scrolling down through all these fabulous posts that I've missed. Don't know how you do all of this. I'm in awe of your talent. Love the "Life is a Hoot" design and all the wonderful monograms in Mt. Hope. Great eye you have!
Happy, Happy ~ sarah
I never really looked at fences except to see that they were in my way! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. xo
And, as they say in fencing, "touche!"
Love, love, love your pretty photos and of course, the tote! :)
Hello, Stitchfork.
Awe inspiring your works...
Thank you for your love and sincerity.
Have a good day.
The traditional celebration, with kimono infants.
Japanese colored leaves, in heartwarming space.
The prayer for all peace.
From Japan, ruma ❀
I remember getting stuck in barbed wire as a kid on my aunt's farm. My uncle warned us but did we listen....?Cute, cute tote! Have a wonderful weekend!
'E' looks deliciously tendril-y to me - can't keep a tendril in~
Cathy, I just love how creatively your mind works with designs and photos and words! Keep 'em coming. blessings ~ tanna
I 2nd what Tricia Rose said! Exactly my thought as well.
I love fences of many sorts - am dying to add some decorative fencing on our property and I thank goodness for the invisible one every day!!
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